Things to say in the Toilet

Here I am broken heartedTried hard, but only farted. Come on, come on you can do it. Is that all you’ve got? Bombs away! Fire machine guns!


Chamber People

Chamber (noun): a natural or artificial enclosed space or cavity (as in BED Chamber) Chamber Maid (noun): (a) an unmarried girl or woman especially when (virginal) young (b) a woman or girl employed to do domestic work Moral of the Story: A Chamber Maid can assist me anytime! 😉


E=Mc2 is a lot!

I’ve been thinking about Einstein’s E=mc2 Presume 1Kg wood (m)Presume c = 299 792 458 metres per secondTherefore c2 = 89875517873681760 m/s (v)E=mc2 = 1 x c2 = c2. Convert to joules of energy (KE = 0.5m X v2)KE = 4.0388043565312E+33 JKE = 4038804356531200000000000000000000 J Convert J to TNT equivalent.9.6529740834876E+23 Tons Of TNT965 297 408… Continue reading E=Mc2 is a lot!


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A Good Swear To Start

Recently Anthony Albanese and his Ministers were sworn in.Does that mean they needed to swear before they began their duties?Thats not a good start is it?
