A bloke said to me the other day, “Want some shit?”
I said “Excuse me?”
He said “Do you want some shit?”
I said “What kind of shit?”
He said “Columbian shit!”
I said “Columbian shit?”
He said “Yes. Columbian shit!”
I said “shit!”
He said “Yes, but Columbian shit”
I said “Let me get this straight. You got shit from Columbia, transported the shit here, and now your tryna sell the shit to me?”
He said “Yes!”
I said “Holy shit!”
He said “No, solid Columbian shit”
So he then said “Do you want the shit or not?”
I said “How much for the shit?”
He said “$1.99/pound”
I said “shit!”
He said “Yes, but Columbian shit”
Credit: Dave Allen
A hard goodbye: A solid shit.
Up shit creek without a paddle.
You’d be in the shit there, wouldn’t you?
Kids back in the day used to say “Do me a solid?”
So I said “Ok, I’ll give you a shit.”
They said “Your shitting me aren’t you?”
I said “I never shit around when it comes to shit”