If then statements

Most programming languages have IF/THEN statements. Some examples include: IF mobile phones are banned THEN there will be riots in the streetsIF you stir the shit too vigourously THEN you’ll be sure to get the shit on yourselfIF you say to your mrs that Wednesday is “hump day” THEN you’ll be sure to get a… Continue reading If then statements


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Dumbass Nicknames

At an ex-workplace there were nicknames given to the employees. Lurch – He was very tall Screech – He had a high pitched voice Stretch – After work, the only stretching he did was stretching to reach for a beer Gossip – He was always talking around those who were trying to work The “Old… Continue reading Dumbass Nicknames


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Bathroom Knicker play

When I go for a shower, the first thing I do is get undressed.You know, of course, unless you are Superman, your knickers are the last to take off.When my knickers are dropped, I use my foot to flick them up in the air. This saves me from bending over (and any flattery on your… Continue reading Bathroom Knicker play


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My Bike wins! (twice!)

Recently, I had an accident on my bike.The bike stopped suddenly and I went over the handlebars.Now that I have recovered, I thought to have a serious talk with the bike. I talked to the bike and said “Don’t be stopping suddenly, OK?” Then I thought wtf am I doing? The bike won ONCE by… Continue reading My Bike wins! (twice!)


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