Whilst I disclaim I am not a Doctor, I would like to present a short summary of how I believe the vax works, it’s ingredients and other misc. information.
The critical ingredient of the vax a piece of mRNA genetic material that instructs the body to make a particular type of protein (called a spike protein).
Shortly after the injection, your body will react and start “mass producing” this new protein.
Thus the various symptoms that you COULD feel (aches and pains, etc) is actually a good thing because this is an indication that your body is:
* mass producing the new protein
* having your antiviral system carry and deliver to the new protein to you cells (via antibodies) and
* you antibodies attaching this new protein to your cells
This new protein acts like a “cap” and attaches to the spike proteins on a your body’s cells cell to stop the virus from connecting to your cells and thus spreading.
Thus, should actually get the virus (after the jab), the virus wont spread because it cannot attach to any of your cells.
Whatever “amount” of virus that you do get at this point will eventually die and be expelled from your body as waste (cells).
Looking at the infographic below you can see a representation of these “caps” by the purple triangular objects that then sit over (or “cap”) the orange round “bumps” on a regular cell.
SOURCE: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/downloads/vaccines/COVID-19-mRNA-infographic_G_508.pdf
Scientists (in their research) have discovered that Covid-19 has mutated (called “variants”) 2-3 times and thus the requirement for a 2nd jab and the “booster” shot.
These shots do exactly the same above excepting that they have newer/better mRNA proteins that better protect your cells (by “capping” your cells connections as described above), and thus
continue to protect your cells from the latest variant of the virus.
This new protein acts like a “cap” and attaches to the spike proteins on a your body’s cells cell to stop the virus from connecting to your cells and thus spreading.
Thus, should actually get the virus (after the jab), the virus wont spread because it cannot attach to any of your cells.
Whatever “amount” of virus that you do get at this point will eventually die and be expelled from your body as waste (cells).
Looking at the infographic below you can see a representation of these “caps” by the purple triangular objects that then sit over (or “cap”) the orange round “bumps” on a regular cell.
Scientists (in their research) have discovered that Covid-19 has mutated (called “variants”) 2-3 times and thus the requirement for a 2nd jab and the “booster” shot.
These shots do exactly the same above excepting that they have newer/better mRNA proteins that better protect your cells (by “capping” your cells connections as described above), and thus
continue to protect you from the latest variant of the virus.
More Information
Vax Explainer and misc. mRNA info.
https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-in-pictures <— This resources explains the differences between Covid-19 symptoms and other related symptoms like the flu and the common cold, etc.
The moral of the story is: There is nothing like being INFORMED!