It is the year 2019, and us mere mortals have supposedly learnt from past events. I say “supposedly” because very recently there was a mass killing in New Zealand.
UPDATE The Killers Manifesto
I understand the alleged persons reason for the killing.
Let me be clear: Having an understanding of something does NOT mean that I support the something.
Nevertheless, the WAY in which the killing was conducted was not constructive to the cause.
Allow me to explain:
There are many persons who wish to claim asylum. They are commonly referred to as “asylum seekers”. It can be argued that Australia has too many persons to look after as it is.
Therefore, on this premise, reducing significantly the number of persons who are GIVEN asylum seems a practical solution.
Thus, it is proposed that from a particular date (say January 1st 2020), Australia only accepts a very small number of asylum seekers regardless of the number who claim asylum.
By very small, I would say approximately one per calendar day.
The number of seekers (from Jan 1) are put into a random draw and only one per day is pulled (or accepted) from this draw.
This would:
* Give all seekers an equal chance of being granted asylum
* Keep the United Nations happy as we are keeping their agreement with then intact
* Discourage seekers who apply without merit
In other words, those seekers who are not given asylum are repatriated back to their place of origin or their place of birth.