Chamber People

Chamber (noun): a natural or artificial enclosed space or cavity (as in BED Chamber) Chamber Maid (noun): (a) an unmarried girl or woman especially when (virginal) young (b) a woman or girl employed to do domestic work Moral of the Story: A Chamber Maid can assist me anytime! 😉


E=Mc2 is a lot!

I’ve been thinking about Einstein’s E=mc2 Presume 1Kg wood (m)Presume c = 299 792 458 metres per secondTherefore c2 = 89875517873681760 m/s (v)E=mc2 = 1 x c2 = c2. Convert to joules of energy (KE = 0.5m X v2)KE = 4.0388043565312E+33 JKE = 4038804356531200000000000000000000 J Convert J to TNT equivalent.9.6529740834876E+23 Tons Of TNT965 297 408… Continue reading E=Mc2 is a lot!


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A Good Swear To Start

Recently Anthony Albanese and his Ministers were sworn in.Does that mean they needed to swear before they began their duties?Thats not a good start is it?


Watching Others Watching Others is Popular

I have noticed the rise of programs that have people either watching TV or watching watching movies.It doesn’t matter how they are watching these programs, people watching TV via a local program called Googlebox, or people watching movies via youtube. Some examples include: (and no I’m not giving you the URL’s)I am a SOBBING MESS… Continue reading Watching Others Watching Others is Popular


The Journey Begins

What is Social Commentry? “Social commentry is an element of a narrative that levels a comment — usually a critique — on societal issues or general society as a whole. Any issue relating to or ingrained aspect of a society can be a target. The presentation of social commentary can range from obvious and on-the-nose… Continue reading The Journey Begins


Sesame Street monsters are nice

When I was a kid I used to watch Sesame Street.I liked Burt and Ernie but I especially liked the monsters.Monsters included: The Count, Mr. Snufiluficus, Cookie Monster, Groucho and Big Bird. Now of course, dear reader, these monsters must’ve been nice because we wouldn’t want monsters to be scaring the kids. Knowing this, it… Continue reading Sesame Street monsters are nice


Appropriate Cat Calls

It is suggested that cat calls are inappropriate.I call my cat all the time – whats wrong with that? But, my cat calls me.Particularly when he wants a pat or food. What I then call him is…Inappropriate.
