Search Engine Savvy

A recent search for “digital camera” at an unnamed retailerproduced the following results.You’ll see that not even one result comes close to the search term! Errr… Well maybe the bras (p.3,7,8) that you might want use a “digital camera” to take a picture of!


Solar Powered Street Lights

The wacky world of bureaucrats. A solar powered street light! How is this going to work…… at night?!…and what are you gonna with that light?Find your keys at best?


Shitty Stories

A bloke said to me the other day, “Want some shit?”I said “Excuse me?”He said “Do you want some shit?”I said “What kind of shit?”He said “Columbian shit!”I said “Columbian shit?”He said “Yes. Columbian shit!”I said “shit!”He said “Yes, but Columbian shit”I said “Let me get this straight. You got shit from Columbia, transported the… Continue reading Shitty Stories


Crap Technical Terms and Their Meanings

SHIT –Special High Intensity TrainingPppptt – crap, up the shit, uselessBackward – not forward (ya dumbass)TWIT – Total Wanker In TrainingGoneski – Gone skiing


Confusing Foreplay

When foreplaying (and I’m not speaking about golf), it’s important NOT to give mixed signals.Thus, if I touch your boobs you will say “Don’t”.If I touch your down under you will say “Stop”.


Next week is always better

When you annoy someone, they might say “I’ll knock you into next week”. Then I’ll reply with “Do it!, this week is crap”.


There’s always a crack pot around

I was watching a movie the other day and the protagonist said “Watch out, there is always a cracked pot around”.I said to him “Pots belong in the kitchen. And what’s a cracked pot gonna do? It’s cracked!… Dumbass…”.


Things to say in the Toilet

Here I am broken heartedTried hard, but only farted. Come on, come on you can do it. Is that all you’ve got? Bombs away! Fire machine guns!


Chamber People

Chamber (noun): a natural or artificial enclosed space or cavity (as in BED Chamber) Chamber Maid (noun): (a) an unmarried girl or woman especially when (virginal) young (b) a woman or girl employed to do domestic work Moral of the Story: A Chamber Maid can assist me anytime! 😉
