Category: Uncategorized
Honest honesty
Everyone appreciates your honesty until you are honest with them.Then you’re an asshole. —- CREDIT: George Carlin
No Entry Robbery
Have you ever noticed when a bank is being robbed by bad guys,no customers actually enter the bank during the robbery?
Spin Dry at Gym
At a unnamed University’s gym I saw a sign. It read “Spin Room”.So, whats the story with this? Ya come outta the shower and jump in the “Spin Room” then“spin” the water off of ya? I tell ya’ I’ll be leaving more than water in the Spin Room after the 8 curries I had the… Continue reading Spin Dry at Gym
Nice to talk to you… and goodbye to your neck.
I saw two obviously young friends engrossed in their phones.I said “I’m glad to see you two engaging in your ‘quality time’”Suffice to say, they gave me a sour look and return to their phones.What they didn’t realise is, I was actually trying to help them.You see in 10 years or so, they would have… Continue reading Nice to talk to you… and goodbye to your neck.
Absolutely right…
Always keep them guessing. ie. Do the opposite of is expected or asked of you.
Actor Rutger Hauer passes away….
…Very sad…
Are we not grown adults when we get to University?

All new Curtin University will be forced to complete an onlinemodule dealing with respectful relationships and sexual consent.
Diana in 3D
Well we’ve all gotta make a buck somehow…
Queue at Mt. Everest
When did climbing Mt. Everest cease becoming a challenge?