Honest honesty

Everyone appreciates your honesty until you are honest with them.Then you’re an asshole. —- CREDIT: George Carlin


No Entry Robbery

Have you ever noticed when a bank is being robbed by bad guys,no customers actually enter the bank during the robbery?


Spin Dry at Gym

At a unnamed University’s gym I saw a sign. It read “Spin Room”.So, whats the story with this? Ya come outta the shower and jump in the “Spin Room” then“spin” the water off of ya? I tell ya’ I’ll be leaving more than water in the Spin Room after the 8 curries I had the… Continue reading Spin Dry at Gym


Queue at Mt. Everest

When did climbing Mt. Everest cease becoming a challenge? https://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-advice/health-safety/huge-queues-to-reach-summit-of-mount-everest-sparks-safety-concerns-for-climbers/news-story/7e131f67a284e6e06c109b789afbe5f9
